Pulp and paper is Asia’s leading renewable energy source, providing 11% of the region’s total electricity generation. The industry has grown steadily over recent years with pulp production increasing by 9%, while paper production grew by 5%. China was responsible for nearly 30% of global pulp and 21% of global paper production in 2015.
This asia pulp and paper industry report covers the companies involved in manufacture and distribution of paper, and includes production and sales in addition to a number of manufacturing figures. It also includes market trends including imports and exports, pulp mills’ capacity by country, pulp mills’ purchase costs, pulp mills’ operating costs, pulp mills’ capital expenditures, import/export values for paper, paper consumption from milling to consumption by industry sector including construction.
The main demand drivers are households which have shifted towards higher sophistication lifestyles leading to higher disposable income and the open economies which have expanded economies that are able to purchase high-value products such as paper products. Furthermore Asia continues to attract investment which provides a boost for refineries that are capable of boosting domestic raw material output thereby driving down prices for manufacturers of paper as well as combining with increasing direct foreign investment into Asian industries presents the perfect balance of capital and labor.
Benefits of pulp and paper
Pulp and paper production is the third largest renewable energy source in Asia with Asia producing 14 % of the world’s pulp and paper. The industry has grown steadily over recent years with pulp production increasing by 9%, while paper production grew by 5%. China was responsible for nearly 30% of global pulp and 21% of global paper production in 2015.
There are many benefits to the use of this renewable energy source, one being it will reduce the emission from traditional fossil fuel which can be used as a replacement option for fossil fuels.
Using this renewable energy source will also reduce electricity imports therefore reducing costs for those who receive these payments. Lastly it is a cost-effective option which allows for producers to be multimillionaires allowing them to invest a large sum into other industries such as education, healthcare, housing, transportation, etc. Therefore, it can be said that this renewable energy source is beneficial to all parties.
Although papermaking is a wood based industry as well as an energy intensive industry it has been able to reduce its usage of fossil fuels and reduce its overall carbon footprint by utilizing the renewable energy source of biomass. The removal of fossil fuels and its replacement with other resources became possible because of the advancements in technology which are not only helping create cleaner solutions but also create solutions that are cheaper, more efficient and easier to install. The climate change issue is one that governments have taken seriously in their concern for the environment despite the fact that papermaking is already one of the largest contributors to climate change.
The industry itself has not only been able to limit their effect on the environment but has also been able to expand without having adverse effects on the environment causing some concerns from some parties but this can be considered an acceptable trade off for a sustainable product.